viaEuropa Maps

viaEuropa can deliver maps over the web, in real-time, using a variety of methods. In addition to supporting the de facto standard format for tile-based delivery, viaEuropa supports several OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards.

XYZ Tiles - Delivers map tiles using a REST-style interface, with an implied projection and tile grid. Made popular by Open Street Map (OSM).
WMTS - Web Map Tile Service. An OGC standard which efficiently delivers tiles with meta data shared through an initial Get Capabilities request.
WMS - Web Map Service. An OGC standard which delivers bespoke maps on demand.
WFS - Web Feature Service. An OGC standard delivering map features represented as vector data.
Vector Tiles - A relatively new method of web-based mapping which using tiles containing small payloads of vector data which is rendered client-side.