) and click the Get Layers button.We are aware of a known WMTS (not WMS) issue with multiple Esri products. It only affects map layers projected using British National Grid (BNG) and does not affect our BNG2 or SPM WMTS map layers. The problem occurs at zoom level 7, which has a nominal scale of 1:75k. Unlike British National Grid, WMTS uses a top-left origin and zoom level 7 is slightly different because it has a different origin to the other levels. It’s just the way the tiles align as the scales supported. While WMTS does have a way of specifying origins on a per-zoom level, Esri software does not seem to support it. It’s been reported and acknowledged as bug (BUG-000119577), but Esri have stated it will not be addressed.
There is a workaround which simply removes that zoom level from the stack. When viaEuropa receives service requests, if it can detect it’s from Esri software, it applies the workaround automatically, but this is not 100% effective. So, there is a manual method too. If you place ?client=agol or ?client=arcgis on the end of the getCapabilities request (or as a custom parameter), that will force the workaround. For example, try the following WMTS getCapabilities link (replacing {id} with one of your own IDs and replacing {map} with the code of your preferred map stack):{id}/{map}/wmts/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml?client=arcgis
When using this WMTS end-point, take a look at the zoom levels reported and check that level 7 (1:75,000) is no longer being displayed.